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Relevant Catholic Divine Inspirations and Holy Lights
Oh REY DE LAS NACIONES, S!, y el deseo
    proveniente de ellas, que hace de dos, uno:
            Ven a salvar al hombre, a quien
            has creado del polvo de la tierra!
Isaas 45:8
Lucas 1:28, 42
At the time when, without her noticing it, the embassy of heaven drew nigh unto Her, She was engaged in the highest contemplation concerning the mysteries which the Lord had renewed in Her by so many favors during the nine preceding days. The Lord himself had assured Her that his Onlybegotten would soon descend to assume human form.
This great Queen was full of fervent and joyful affection in the expectation of its execution and inflamed with humble love, She spoke in her heart:

"Is it possible that the blessed time has arrived, in which the Word of the eternal Father is to be born and to converse with men? (Baruch 10, 38).

That the world should possess Him? That men are to see Him in the flesh? (Is. 40, 5 ). That his inaccessible light is to shine forth to illumine those who sit in darkness? (Is. 9, 2).

O, who shall be worthy to see and know Him! O, who shall be allowed to kiss the earth touched by his feet!

Rejoice, ye heavens, and console thyself, O earth
(Ps. 95, 11); let all things bless and extol Him, since already his eternal happiness is nigh!

O children of Adam, afflicted with sin, and yet creatures of my Beloved, now shall you raise your heads and throw off the yoke of your ancient servitude!
(Is. 14,25)

O, ye ancient Forefathers and Prophets, and all ye just, that are detained in limbo and are waiting in the bosom of Abraham, now shall you be consoled and your much desired and long promised Redeemer shall tarry no longer! ( Agg. 2, 8).

Let us all magnify Him and sing to Him hymns of praise! O who shall be the slave of Her, whom Isaias points out as his Mother (Is. 7, 4);

O Emmanuel, true God and Man! O key of David, who art to unlock heaven! ( Is. 22, 22 ). O eternal Wisdom! O Lawgiver of the new Church!

Come, come to us, O Lord, and end the captivity of thy people; let all flesh see thy salvation!"
(Is. 40, 5).
In these petitions and aspirations, the most holy Mary was engaged at the hour, when the holy angel Gabriel arrived. She was most pure in soul, most perfect in body, most noble in her sentiments, most exalted in sanctity, full of grace and so deified and pleasing in the sight of God, that She was fit to be his Mother and an instrument adapted for drawing Him from the bosom of the Father to her virginal womb.

She was the powerful means of our Redemption and to Her we owe it on many accounts. And therefore it is just, that all generations and nations shall bless and forever extol Her. (Luke 1, 48).
Extracto de la Mstica Ciudad de Dios, Vol. II, manifestado por Nuestra Seora a la Hermana Mara de Jess (Mara de Agreda)
Isaas 7:14
Cuando, como su madre, Mara, estaba desposada con Jos y, antes de que se juntasen, se hall que haba concebido por obra del Espritu Santo.

Su marido Jos, como era justo, y no quiso denunciarla a ella, era quiso dejarla secretamente.

Y pensando l en esto, he aqu el ngel del Seor se le apareci en sueos, diciendo:
  Jos, hijo de David, no temas tomar contigo
  Mara tu mujer, porque lo engendrado en ella,
  es de la Santa Ghost.And dar a luz un hijo:
  y llamars su nombre JESS. Porque l salvar
  a su pueblo de sus pecados.

Todo esto sucedi para que se cumpliese lo que el Seor habl por medio del profeta, diciendo:
  He aqu que la virgen concebir, y dars a luz
  un hijo, y llamars su nombre Emmanuel,
  que traducido es: Dios con nosotros.

Despertado Jos del sueo, hizo como el ngel del Seor le haba mandado, y recibi a su mujer.
Mateo 1:18-24
Nio Jess, que quiso nacer pobre
  y en un establo en Beln,
  Haz de mi corazn su casa esta Navidad.
Tmalo y la reciben, de modo que pueda ofrecer
  hospitalidad a los que nacen hoy en nuestra
  mundo bajo las mismas circunstancias que
  que hace 2.000 aos.
Dame tu amor y tu gracia,
  y aydame a ser solidarios con los dems,
  especialmente a los que ms lo necesitan. Amn
Padre Manuel Dorantes, Catholic Relief Services http://crs.org
La Anunciacin de Bartolom Esteban Murillo; 1655-1660; El Hermitage, San Petersburgo; http://en.wikipedia.org
El sueo de Jos de Gaetano Gandolfi; 1790; http://www.wga.hu
Das Christuskind (El Nio Jess) de Melchior-Paul von Deschwanden; 1881; http://commons.wikimedia.org
22 Diciembre - Cuarto Domingo de Adviento - Ven, oh Rey de las naciones, O Rex Gentium!
Este sitio est dedicado a Nuestro Seor Jesucristo
en la Santsima Virgen Mara
para la Gloria de Dios

se imparta (28 de Octubre, 2013)
Cooperatores Veritatis
Omnia ad majoren Dei Gloriam!
(Todo para la mayor gloria de Dios!)
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