Santo Toms Aquinas - 'El Doctor Angelical' - 'Las cosas que amamos nos dicen quienes somos'
Triunfo de Santo Toms Aquinas de Benozzo Gozzoli; 1471; Muse du Louvre, Paris, Francia;
"El creer es un acto del intelecto asintiendo a la Divina Verdad por el mandar de la voluntad, movida por Dios a travs de gracia." *
"Para quien tiene fe, ninguna explicacin es necesaria. Para quien no la titne, no explicacin es posible." *
Por eso or, y me fue dada la prudencia, supliqu, y descendi sobre m el espritu de la Sabidura.
La prefer a los cetros y a los tronos, y tuve por nada las riquezas en comparacin con ella.
No la igual a la piedra ms preciosa, porque todo el oro, comparado con ella, es un poco de arena; y la plata, a su lado, ser considerada como barro.
La am ms que a la salud y a la hermosura, y la quise ms que a la luz del da, porque su resplandor no tiene ocaso.
Porque ella es para los hombres un tesoro inagotable: los que la adquieren se ganan la amistad de Dios, ya que son recomendados a l por los dones de la instruccin.
Que Dios me conceda hablar con inteligencia, y que mis pensamientos sean dignos de los dones recibidos, porque l mismo es el gua de la Sabidura y el que dirige a los sabios.
En sus manos estamos nosotros y nuestras palabras, y tambin todo el saber y la destreza para obrar.
El me dio un conocimiento exacto de todo lo que existe, para comprender la estructura del mundo y la actividad de los elementos;
el comienzo, el fin y el medio de los tiempos, la alternancia de los solsticios y el cambio de las estaciones,
los ciclos del ao y las posiciones de los astros;
la naturaleza de los animales y los instintos de las fieras, el poder de los espritus y los pensamientos de los hombres; las variedades de las plantas y las propiedades de las races.
Conoc todo lo que est oculto o manifiesto, porque me instruy la Sabidura, la artfice de todas las cosas.
En ella hay un espritu inteligente, santo, nico, multiforme, sutil, gil, perspicaz, sin mancha, difano, inalterable, amante del bien, agudo,
libre, bienhechor, amigo de los hombres, firme, seguro, sereno, que todo lo puede, lo observa todo y penetra en todos los espritus: en los puros y hasta los ms sutiles.
La Sabidura es ms gil que cualquier movimiento; a causa de su pureza, lo atraviesa y penetra todo.
Ella es exhalacin del poder de Dios, una emanacin pura de la gloria del Todopoderoso: por eso, nada manchado puede alcanzarla.
Ella es el resplandor de la luz eterna, un espejo sin mancha de la actividad de Dios y una imagen de su bondad.
Aunque es una sola, lo puede todo; permaneciendo en s misma, renueva el universo; de generacin en generacin, entra en las almas santas, para hacer amigos de Dios y profetas.
Porque Dios ama nicamente a los que conviven con la Sabidura.
Ella, en efecto, es ms radiante que el sol y supera a todas las constelaciones; es ms luminosa que la misma luz,
Ya que la luz cede su lugar a la noche, pero contra la Sabidura no prevalece el mal.
Sabidura: 7-10, 14-30
Triunfo de Santo Toms Aquinas de Benozzo Gozzoli; 1471; Muse du Louvre, Paris, Francia;
"El creer es un acto del intelecto asintiendo a la Divina Verdad por el mandar de la voluntad, movida por Dios a travs de gracia." *
"Para quien tiene fe, ninguna explicacin es necesaria. Para quien no la titne, no explicacin es posible." *
Por eso or, y me fue dada la prudencia, supliqu, y descendi sobre m el espritu de la Sabidura.
La prefer a los cetros y a los tronos, y tuve por nada las riquezas en comparacin con ella.
No la igual a la piedra ms preciosa, porque todo el oro, comparado con ella, es un poco de arena; y la plata, a su lado, ser considerada como barro.
La am ms que a la salud y a la hermosura, y la quise ms que a la luz del da, porque su resplandor no tiene ocaso.
Porque ella es para los hombres un tesoro inagotable: los que la adquieren se ganan la amistad de Dios, ya que son recomendados a l por los dones de la instruccin.
Que Dios me conceda hablar con inteligencia, y que mis pensamientos sean dignos de los dones recibidos, porque l mismo es el gua de la Sabidura y el que dirige a los sabios.
En sus manos estamos nosotros y nuestras palabras, y tambin todo el saber y la destreza para obrar.
El me dio un conocimiento exacto de todo lo que existe, para comprender la estructura del mundo y la actividad de los elementos;
el comienzo, el fin y el medio de los tiempos, la alternancia de los solsticios y el cambio de las estaciones,
los ciclos del ao y las posiciones de los astros;
la naturaleza de los animales y los instintos de las fieras, el poder de los espritus y los pensamientos de los hombres; las variedades de las plantas y las propiedades de las races.
Conoc todo lo que est oculto o manifiesto, porque me instruy la Sabidura, la artfice de todas las cosas.
En ella hay un espritu inteligente, santo, nico, multiforme, sutil, gil, perspicaz, sin mancha, difano, inalterable, amante del bien, agudo,
libre, bienhechor, amigo de los hombres, firme, seguro, sereno, que todo lo puede, lo observa todo y penetra en todos los espritus: en los puros y hasta los ms sutiles.
La Sabidura es ms gil que cualquier movimiento; a causa de su pureza, lo atraviesa y penetra todo.
Ella es exhalacin del poder de Dios, una emanacin pura de la gloria del Todopoderoso: por eso, nada manchado puede alcanzarla.
Ella es el resplandor de la luz eterna, un espejo sin mancha de la actividad de Dios y una imagen de su bondad.
Aunque es una sola, lo puede todo; permaneciendo en s misma, renueva el universo; de generacin en generacin, entra en las almas santas, para hacer amigos de Dios y profetas.
Porque Dios ama nicamente a los que conviven con la Sabidura.
Ella, en efecto, es ms radiante que el sol y supera a todas las constelaciones; es ms luminosa que la misma luz,
Ya que la luz cede su lugar a la noche, pero contra la Sabidura no prevalece el mal.
Sabidura: 7-10, 14-30
Triunfo de Santo Toms Aquinas de Benozzo Gozzoli; 1471; Muse du Louvre, Paris, Francia;
Por eso or, y me fue dada la prudencia, supliqu, y descendi sobre m el espritu de la Sabidura.
La prefer a los cetros y a los tronos, y tuve por nada las riquezas en comparacin con ella.
No la igual a la piedra ms preciosa, porque todo el oro, comparado con ella, es un poco de arena; y la plata, a su lado, ser considerada como barro.
La am ms que a la salud y a la hermosura, y la quise ms que a la luz del da, porque su resplandor no tiene ocaso.
Porque ella es para los hombres un tesoro inagotable: los que la adquieren se ganan la amistad de Dios, ya que son recomendados a l por los dones de la instruccin.
Que Dios me conceda hablar con inteligencia, y que mis pensamientos sean dignos de los dones recibidos, porque l mismo es el gua de la Sabidura y el que dirige a los sabios.
En sus manos estamos nosotros y nuestras palabras, y tambin todo el saber y la destreza para obrar.
El me dio un conocimiento exacto de todo lo que existe, para comprender la estructura del mundo y la actividad de los elementos;
el comienzo, el fin y el medio de los tiempos, la alternancia de los solsticios y el cambio de las estaciones,
los ciclos del ao y las posiciones de los astros;
la naturaleza de los animales y los instintos de las fieras, el poder de los espritus y los pensamientos de los hombres; las variedades de las plantas y las propiedades de las races.
Conoc todo lo que est oculto o manifiesto, porque me instruy la Sabidura, la artfice de todas las cosas.
En ella hay un espritu inteligente, santo, nico, multiforme, sutil, gil, perspicaz, sin mancha, difano, inalterable, amante del bien, agudo,
libre, bienhechor, amigo de los hombres, firme, seguro, sereno, que todo lo puede, lo observa todo y penetra en todos los espritus: en los puros y hasta los ms sutiles.
La Sabidura es ms gil que cualquier movimiento; a causa de su pureza, lo atraviesa y penetra todo.
Ella es exhalacin del poder de Dios, una emanacin pura de la gloria del Todopoderoso: por eso, nada manchado puede alcanzarla.
Ella es el resplandor de la luz eterna, un espejo sin mancha de la actividad de Dios y una imagen de su bondad.
Aunque es una sola, lo puede todo; permaneciendo en s misma, renueva el universo; de generacin en generacin, entra en las almas santas, para hacer amigos de Dios y profetas.
Porque Dios ama nicamente a los que conviven con la Sabidura.
Ella, en efecto, es ms radiante que el sol y supera a todas las constelaciones; es ms luminosa que la misma luz,
Ya que la luz cede su lugar a la noche, pero contra la Sabidura no prevalece el mal.
los ciclos del ao y las posiciones de los astros;
la naturaleza de los animales y los instintos de las fieras, el poder de los espritus y los pensamientos de los hombres; las variedades de las plantas y las propiedades de las races.
Conoc todo lo que est oculto o manifiesto, porque me instruy la Sabidura, la artfice de todas las cosas.
En ella hay un espritu inteligente, santo, nico, multiforme, sutil, gil, perspicaz, sin mancha, difano, inalterable, amante del bien, agudo,
libre, bienhechor, amigo de los hombres, firme, seguro, sereno, que todo lo puede, lo observa todo y penetra en todos los espritus: en los puros y hasta los ms sutiles.
La Sabidura es ms gil que cualquier movimiento; a causa de su pureza, lo atraviesa y penetra todo.
Ella es exhalacin del poder de Dios, una emanacin pura de la gloria del Todopoderoso: por eso, nada manchado puede alcanzarla.
Ella es el resplandor de la luz eterna, un espejo sin mancha de la actividad de Dios y una imagen de su bondad.
Aunque es una sola, lo puede todo; permaneciendo en s misma, renueva el universo; de generacin en generacin, entra en las almas santas, para hacer amigos de Dios y profetas.
Porque Dios ama nicamente a los que conviven con la Sabidura.
Ella, en efecto, es ms radiante que el sol y supera a todas las constelaciones; es ms luminosa que la misma luz,
Ya que la luz cede su lugar a la noche, pero contra la Sabidura no prevalece el mal.
Sabidura: 7-10, 14-30
Detalle de Santo Toms del Polptico de Valle Romita de Gentile da Fabriano; circa 1400; Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan, Italia
From the writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas
If you seek the example of love: "Greater love than this no man has, than to lay down His life for His friends." Such a man was Christ on the cross. And if He gave His life for us, then it should not be difficult to bear whatever hardships arise for His sake.
If you seek patience, you will find no better example than the Cross. Christ endured much on the Cross, and did so patiently, because "when he suffered He did not threaten; He was led like a sheep to the slaughter and He did not open His mouth."
If you seek an example of obedience, follow Him who became obedient to the Father even unto death. "For just as by the disobedience of one man," namely, Adam, "many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one man, many were made righteous."
If you seek an example of despising earthly things, follow Him who is "the King of kings and the Lord of lords, in Whom are hidden all the Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge." Upon the Cross He was stripped, mocked, spat upon, struck, crowned with thorns, and given only vinegar and gall to drink. Do not be attached, therefore, to clothing and riches, because "they divided my garments among themselves."
Nor to honors, for He experienced harsh words and scourgings. Nor to greatness of rank, for "weaving a crown of thorns they placed it on My head." Nor to anything delightful, for "in My thirst they gave me vinegar to drink."
Detalle de Santo Toms del Polptico de Valle Romita de Gentile da Fabriano; circa 1400; Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan, Italia
From the writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas
If you seek the example of love: "Greater love than this no man has, than to lay down His life for His friends." Such a man was Christ on the cross. And if He gave His life for us, then it should not be difficult to bear whatever hardships arise for His sake.
If you seek patience, you will find no better example than the Cross. Christ endured much on the Cross, and did so patiently, because "when he suffered He did not threaten; He was led like a sheep to the slaughter and He did not open His mouth."
If you seek an example of obedience, follow Him who became obedient to the Father even unto death. "For just as by the disobedience of one man," namely, Adam, "many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one man, many were made righteous."
If you seek an example of despising earthly things, follow Him who is "the King of kings and the Lord of lords, in Whom are hidden all the Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge." Upon the Cross He was stripped, mocked, spat upon, struck, crowned with thorns, and given only vinegar and gall to drink. Do not be attached, therefore, to clothing and riches, because "they divided my garments among themselves."
Nor to honors, for He experienced harsh words and scourgings. Nor to greatness of rank, for "weaving a crown of thorns they placed it on My head." Nor to anything delightful, for "in My thirst they gave me vinegar to drink."
From the writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas
If you seek the example of love: "Greater love than this no man has, than to lay down His life for His friends." Such a man was Christ on the cross. And if He gave His life for us, then it should not be difficult to bear whatever hardships arise for His sake.
If you seek patience, you will find no better example than the Cross. Christ endured much on the Cross, and did so patiently, because "when he suffered He did not threaten; He was led like a sheep to the slaughter and He did not open His mouth."
If you seek an example of obedience, follow Him who became obedient to the Father even unto death. "For just as by the disobedience of one man," namely, Adam, "many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one man, many were made righteous."
If you seek an example of despising earthly things, follow Him who
is "the King of kings and the Lord of lords, in Whom are hidden all
the Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge." Upon the Cross He was stripped,
mocked, spat upon, struck, crowned with thorns, and given only vinegar
and gall to drink. Do not be attached, therefore, to clothing and riches,
because "they divided my garments among themselves."
Nor to honors, for He experienced harsh words and scourgings. Nor to greatness of rank, for "weaving a crown of thorns they placed it on My head." Nor to anything delightful, for "in My thirst they gave me vinegar to drink."
Nor to honors, for He experienced harsh words and scourgings. Nor to greatness of rank, for "weaving a crown of thorns they placed it on My head." Nor to anything delightful, for "in My thirst they gave me vinegar to drink."
Virgen y Nio con Santos Domingo y Toms Aquinas de Fra Angelico; c. 1445; El Museo Hermitage, San Pedrosburgo, Rusia;
Prayer of Saint Thomas Aquinas
Most Loving Lord,
grant me a steadfast heart,
which no unworthy desire may drag downwards;
an unconquered heart,
which no hardship may wear out;
an unright heart,
which no worthless purpose may ensnare.
Impart to me also, O God,
the understanding to know You,
the diligence to seek You,
a way of life to please You,
and a faithfulness that may embrace You,
through Jesus Christ, my Lord. Amen
Virgen y Nio con Santos Domingo y Toms Aquinas de Fra Angelico; c. 1445; El Museo Hermitage, San Pedrosburgo, Rusia;
Prayer of Saint Thomas Aquinas
Most Loving Lord,
grant me a steadfast heart,
which no unworthy desire may drag downwards;
an unconquered heart,
which no hardship may wear out;
an unright heart,
which no worthless purpose may ensnare.
Impart to me also, O God,
the understanding to know You,
the diligence to seek You,
a way of life to please You,
and a faithfulness that may embrace You,
through Jesus Christ, my Lord. Amen
Virgen y Nio con Santos Domingo y Toms Aquinas de Fra Angelico; c. 1445; El Museo Hermitage, San Pedrosburgo, Rusia;
Prayer of Saint Thomas Aquinas
Most Loving Lord,
grant me a steadfast heart,
which no unworthy desire may drag downwards;
an unconquered heart,
which no hardship may wear out;
an unright heart,
which no worthless purpose may ensnare.
Impart to me also, O God,
the understanding to know You,
the diligence to seek You,
a way of life to please You,
and a faithfulness that may embrace You,
through Jesus Christ, my Lord. Amen
Saint Thomas Aquinas
Excerpt from The Churchs Year of Grace, Pius Parsch
Saint Thomas ranks among the greatest writers and theologians of all time. His most important work, the Summa Theologiae, an explanation and summary of the entire body of Catholic teaching, has been standard for centuries, even to our own day. At the Council of Trent it was consulted after the Bible.
To a deeply speculative mind, he joined a remarkable life of prayer, a precious memento of which has been left to us in the Office of Corpus Christi. Reputed as great already in life, he nevertheless remained modest, a perfect model of childlike simplicity and goodness.
He was mild in word and kind in deed. He believed everyone was as innocent as he himself was. When someone sinned through weakness, Thomas bemoaned the sin as if it were his own. The goodness of his heart shone in his face, no one could look upon him and remain disconsolate.
How he suffered with the poor and the needy was most inspiring. Whatever clothing or other items he could give away, he gladly did. He kept nothing superfluous in his efforts to alleviate the needs of others.
After he died his lifelong companion and confessor testified, "I have always known him to be as innocent as a five-year-old child. Never did a carnal temptation soil his soul, never did he consent to a mortal sin."
He cherished a most tender devotion to Saint Agnes, constantly carrying relics of this virgin martyr on his person. He died in 1274, at the age of fifty, in the abbey of Fossa Nuova. He is the patron saint of schools and of sacred theology.
Milagro de Santo Toms Aquinas ante el Crucifijo (detalle) de Filipino Lippi; 1489-91; Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Roma, Italia
Milagro de Santo Toms Aquinas ante el Crucifijo (detalle) de Filipino Lippi; 1489-91; Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Roma, Italia
Saint Thomas Aquinas
Excerpt from The Churchs Year of Grace, Pius Parsch
Saint Thomas ranks among the greatest writers and theologians of all time. His most important work, the Summa Theologiae, an explanation and summary of the entire body of Catholic teaching, has been standard for centuries, even to our own day. At the Council of Trent it was consulted after the Bible.
To a deeply speculative mind, he joined a remarkable life of prayer, a precious memento of which has been left to us in the Office of Corpus Christi. Reputed as great already in life, he nevertheless remained modest, a perfect model of childlike simplicity and goodness.
He was mild in word and kind in deed. He believed everyone was as innocent as he himself was. When someone sinned through weakness, Thomas bemoaned the sin as if it were his own. The goodness of his heart shone in his face, no one could look upon him and remain disconsolate.
How he suffered with the poor and the needy was most inspiring. Whatever clothing or other items he could give away, he gladly did. He kept nothing superfluous in his efforts to alleviate the needs of others.
After he died his lifelong companion and confessor testified, "I have always known him to be as innocent as a five-year-old child. Never did a carnal temptation soil his soul, never did he consent to a mortal sin."
He cherished a most tender devotion to Saint Agnes, constantly carrying relics of this virgin martyr on his person. He died in 1274, at the age of fifty, in the abbey of Fossa Nuova. He is the patron saint of schools and of sacred theology.
Saint Thomas Aquinas
Excerpt from The Churchs Year of Grace, Pius Parsch
Saint Thomas ranks among the greatest writers and theologians of all time. His most important work, the Summa Theologiae, an explanation and summary of the entire body of Catholic teaching, has been standard for centuries, even to our own day. At the Council of Trent it was consulted after the Bible.
To a deeply speculative mind, he joined a remarkable life of prayer, a precious memento of which has been left to us in the Office of Corpus Christi. Reputed as great already in life, he nevertheless remained modest, a perfect model of childlike simplicity and goodness.
He was mild in word and kind in deed. He believed everyone was as innocent as he himself was. When someone sinned through weakness, Thomas bemoaned the sin as if it were his own. The goodness of his heart shone in his face, no one could look upon him and remain disconsolate.
Milagro de Santo Toms Aquinas ante el Crucifijo (detalle) de Filipino Lippi; 1489-91; Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Roma, Italia
How he suffered with the poor and the needy was most inspiring. Whatever clothing or other items he could give away, he gladly did. He kept nothing superfluous in his efforts to alleviate the needs of others.
After he died his lifelong companion and confessor testified, "I have always known him to be as innocent as a five-year-old child. Never did a carnal temptation soil his soul, never did he consent to a mortal sin."
He cherished a most tender devotion to Saint Agnes, constantly carrying relics of this virgin martyr on his person. He died in 1274, at the age of fifty, in the abbey of Fossa Nuova. He is the patron saint of schools and of sacred theology.
Excerpt from Pope Benedict XVI, General Audience, June 2, 2010
The life and teaching of Saint Thomas Aquinas could be summed up in an episode passed down by his ancient biographers. While, as was his wont, the Saint was praying before the Crucifix in the early morning in the Chapel of Saint Nicholas in Naples, Domenico da Caserta, the church sacristan, overheard a conversation. Thomas was anxiously asking whether what he had written on the mysteries of the Christian faith was correct. And the Crucified One answered him: "You have spoken well of me, Thomas. What is your reward to be?". And the answer Thomas gave Him was what we too, friends and disciples of Jesus, always want to tell Him: "Nothing but Yourself, Lord!"
Excerpt from Pope Benedict XVI, General Audience, June 2, 2010
The life and teaching of Saint Thomas Aquinas could be summed up in an episode passed down by his ancient biographers. While, as was his wont, the Saint was praying before the Crucifix in the early morning in the Chapel of Saint Nicholas in Naples, Domenico da Caserta, the church sacristan, overheard a conversation. Thomas was anxiously asking whether what he had written on the mysteries of the Christian faith was correct. And the Crucified One answered him: "You have spoken well of me, Thomas. What is your reward to be?". And the answer Thomas gave Him was what we too, friends and disciples of Jesus, always want to tell Him: "Nothing but Yourself, Lord!"
Excerpt from Pope Benedict XVI, General Audience, June 2, 2010
The life and teaching of Saint Thomas Aquinas could be summed up in an episode passed down by his ancient biographers. While, as was his wont, the Saint was praying before the Crucifix in the early morning in the Chapel of Saint Nicholas in Naples, Domenico da Caserta, the church sacristan, overheard a conversation. Thomas was anxiously asking whether what he had written on the mysteries of the Christian faith was correct. And the Crucified One answered him: "You have spoken well of me, Thomas. What is your reward to be?". And the answer Thomas gave Him was what we too, friends and disciples of Jesus, always want to tell Him: "Nothing but Yourself, Lord!"
"Es mejor iluminar que simplemente brillar; darles a los demas verdades contempladas que solo el contemplar." *
* Citas son del Santo Toms Aquinas
Santo Toms Aquinas (1225-1274) - 'El Doctor Angelical' - 'Las cosas que amamos nos dicen quienes somos'
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